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1990 Hawks Football team

Row 1: Rich Waldriff, Barry Wolff.  Row 2: Dan Lattner, Rob Carlson, Mark Smith, Brodie Johnson, Paul Sinnott, Scott Stemper, Kyle Ladean. Row 2: Mike Bennett, Jason Carlson, Torlief Kahrs, Rob Otos, Dennis Adamski, Kevin larson, Andy Dargatz. Row 3: Eddy Morgan, Tim Billiot, Jason Heaslip, Jared Blomdahl, tom White, Brandon Thorsvik, Ben Ehle. Row 4: Kevin Graves, Joel Heaslip, Brian Foster, Cory Reno, Dan Riddle, Chris Freeman, Sean Peterson. Row 5: Brett Hoglund, Joe Price, Shawn Conway, Matt Warren, Jason Eikam, Brent Roden. Row 6: Justin Quade, Chad Neve, lee Holte, Andy Hayes, Mark Holmlund, Jason Sater. Row 7: Josh Scheall, Erick Phillips, Jason Murphy, Aaron Mascarenas, Jim Callahan, Troy Tanski. Row 8: Sam Waldriff, Angie Forrestal.

1991 Hawks Football team

Row 1: Jason Heaslip, Justin Quade, Andy Dargatz, Eddy Morgan, Mike Bennett, Shawn Conway, Dan Lattner, Kyle Saalsund. Row 2: Jared Blomdahl, Jerry Reno, Jeremy Johnson, Jeremy Olson, Kevin Graves, Matt Warren, Jason Carlson, Cory Reno, Dan Riddle. Row 4: Jaime Schilling, David Harvieux, Tom White, Eric Phillips, Sean Peterson, Jeff Nelson, Jeremy Nordby, Carl Grussendorf, Timothy Fair, Brian Foster. Row 4: Craig Malvick, Jim Callahan, Derek Dardis, Jason Eikam, Mark Holmlund, Mike Otos, Brent Roden, Andy Hayes, Nanthan Swanson. Row 5: Coach Randy Bowen, Brian McDonald, John Wentzlaff, Nathan Glockle, Chris Freeman, Ryan Karasek. Row 6: Manager Amy Bowen and Manager Samantha Waldriff.

1992 Hawks Football Team

Row 1: Dan Riddler, Brian Foster, Eric Phillips, Brent Roden, David Harvieux, Cory Reno, Jason Carlson, Mark Holmlund, Chris Freeman, Jared Blomdahl. Row 2: Sean Blomquist, Tim Fair, Ian Thomson, Jamie Schilling, Jeremy Johnson, Jim Benvie, Jason Eikam, Sean Peterson, Tom White, Ryan Karasek, Damian Kellerhuis, Jeff Nelson, Joe Levander. Row 3: John Williams, Mike Knudsen, Matt Kropf, Chris Bodell, Brian McDonald, Ryan Myhre, Derek Dardis, Mike Otis, John Norton, Nate Glockle, Jeremy Nordby, Jim Eberling. Row 4 : Adam Loney, Jake Clemons, Dan Carlson, Adam Dargatz, Kevin Kuklis, Neil Kehoe, John Wentzlaff, Ryan Fritts, Steve Langevin, Dan Parrott. Row 5: (Mgr)  Sam Waldriff and (Mgr) Amy Bowen,  Craig Malvick.

1993 Hawks Football Team

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Row 1: Jeremy Nordby, Chris Bodell, Nathan Glockle, Brian McDonald, Derek Dardis, Mike Otis, Jaime Schilling, Jeremy Johnson, Ian Thompson, Mike Knudsen, Jeff Nelson, Zach Painovich, Tim Fair Row 2: Amy Bowen (Mgr) Randy Dupuis, Jason Grochowski, Jason Bleskan, Kevin White, Jake Clemens, James Elberling, Sean Blomquist, Dan Parrott, Donald Sazama, Brian Dugas, Jeremy Jordan, Jessse Smith, Ryan Johnson, Eric Homes, John Williams, Jim Madill Row 3: Jennie Holmlund (Mgr) Craig Malvick (Mgr) Ryan Fritts, Joe Levander, Brennan Atchison, Justin Carlson, John Snyder, Neil Kehoe, Steve Langevin, Adam Dargatz, Kevin Kuklis, John Norton, Brian Berntsen, Ryan Frankowiak, Jon Clauson, Jesse Preiner, Adam Egerdahl, Jon Esterbrooks, Ryan Myhre

1994 Hawks Football Team

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Row 1: Jake Clemons, Dan parrott, Sean Blomquist, Dan Carlson, Joe Levander, Jason Bleskan, Aaron Lassi, John Williams, Jym Elberling. Row 2: Neil Kehoe, Ryan Fritts, Adam Dargatz, Brian Berntsen, john Norton, Kevin Kuklis, Jeremy Jordan, Shawn Simonson, Ryan Baker, Brian Dugas. Row 3: Kevin White, Dan Axtell, Wes Lockman, Justin Carlson, Jon Clauson, Kyle Freeman, Brian Burcar, Ryan Franckowiak, Adam Egerdahl, Jon Esterbrooks, Donny Sazama. Row 5: Josh Bleskan, Pat Malley, Jim Jordan, Dan Stone, Ryan Johnson, Jesse Smith, Brennan Atchison, Jesse Preiner, Brandon Karasek, Randy Dupuis, Dan Glockle, Jonas Swan. Row 5: Adam Lawrey, Vinnie Ventling, Jeff J. Johnson, Ryan Myhre, James Allen, Matt Haedrich, Eric Griffith, Paul Thorton, Eric Boles, Dean Pasek, Jim Pehl. Row 6: Mgr. Jennie Holmlund, Jared Murray, Ryan Mickelson, Aaron Posthumus, Tony Gitar, Jeff R. Johnson, Jordan Lockman, Kasey Witchall, Matt Bowen, Griffin Pfeiffer, Mgr. Amy Bowen and Mgr. Heather Goerts.

1995 Hawks Football Team

Row 1: Ryan Johnson, Adam Egerdahl, Brian Dugas, Ryan Franckowiak, Kevin White, Kyle Freeman, Jesse Preiner, Jeffrey Johnson, Jesse Smith. Row 2: Dan Glockle, Jon Esterbrooks, Jonas Swan, Ryan Mickelson, James Allen, Dan Axtell, Eric Wietman, Matt Bowen, Jon Clauson, John Eastvold, Vinnie Ventling, Jeffrey Johnson, Pat Malley, James Jordan. Row 4: Tony Gitar, Ben Hokkanen, Aaron Posthumus, Jim Pehl, Paul Thornton, Griffin Pfeiffer, Lauri Ehanti, Kasey Witchall, Eric Griffith, Josh Bleskan. Row 5: Managers: Amy Bowen, Heather Goerts, and Jennie Holmlund.

1996 Hawks Football Team

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Row 1: Leah Josephson, (Mgr.) Jonas Swan, Bob Morgan, Dan Glockle, Jordan Harju, Dean Pasek, Jared Murray, Justin Johnson. Row 2:  Andy Beier, Herb Wietman, Nick Dolentz, Jim Pehl, Jim Jordan, Paul Thornton, Aaron Posthumus, Griffin Pfeiffer, Josh Bleskan, Nick Patullo, Kyle Peterson, Joe Hanson, Kyle Rinhofer. Row 3: Josh Pearson, John McGovern, Kyle Dammer, John Eastvold, James Allen, Jeffrey Johnson, Pat Malley, Vinnie Ventling, Ryan Mickelson, Jordan Engstrom, Jeffrey Skur, Jeffrey Johnson. Row 4: Tom Vogel, Kasey Witchall, Matt Bowen, Eric Griffith, Ben Hokkanen, Matt Haedrich, Saint Laurent, Billy Wietman, Justin Francisco.

1997 Hawks Football Team

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Row 1: Kyle Ringhofer, Andy Beier, Jeff Skur, Joe Hanson, Jordan Harju, Kyle Dammer, Rob Wittwer, John McGovern, Justin Francisco, Tom Vogel. Row 2: Coach Mike Sweeney, Jordan Engstrom, Josh Pearson, Justin Jahr, Bill Wietman, Nick Dolentz, B.J. Knapp, Saint Laurent, Bob Morgan, Chris Cooper, Ryan Seeley, Nick Patullo, Mike Stevens. Row 3: Coach Randy Bowen, Chris Verhel, Matt Norton, Bobby Gould, Ken Lofald, Justin Gower, Allen Knowles, Ryan Brubaker, Tony Delich, Nick Axtell, Brett Archambeau, Matt Erickson, Nik Thomalla, Lea Josephson, (manager) Row 4: Coach Daryl Illikainen, Loren Kaake, Andy Chesney, Jeremy Byrnes, Jon Francisco, J.R. Bradley, Tom Korzendorfer, Jeff Miller, Nick Kaneski, Dustin Koski.

1998 Hawks Football Team

Top row: Mgr. Leah Josephson, Scott Murphy, Daryl Illikainen, Mike Sweeney, Dale Mundle, Mgr. Scott Warren, Kellyann Mascarenas
5th Row: Nick Lavander, Tony Johnson, Bill Patton, Mike Durheim, Chris Baron, Derrick Anderson
4th Row: Kurt Maus, Reid Amborn, Zac Vekich, Jesse Stokke, Jamie Fish, Scott Tanski, Mike Rautio, Peter Thornton
3rd row: Al Knowles, Andy Corran, Matt Erickson, Nik Thomalla, Matt Wunner, Jeremy Byrnes, Wes Hanson, Tom Korzendorfer, Ben Archambeau
2nd row: Jeff Miller, Loren Kaake, Chris Popovich, Justin Gower, Chris Verhel, Ken Lofald, Ryan Brubaker, Tony Delich, Chad Olson
Front row (Captains): J.R. Bradley, Jon Francisco, Nick Axtell

1999 Hawks Football Team

Row 1: Jesse Stokke, Mike Durheim, Jamie Fish. Row 2: Chris Baron, Scott Tanski, Peter Thornton, Kurt Maus, Billy Patton, Tony Johnson, Mike Rautio, Reid Amborn, Derrick Anderson, Jake Jish. Row 3: Trainer Darren Quass, Ben Moore, Danny Wagner, Keith McDonald, Joe Lofald, Nathan Armstrong, Matt J. Hanson, Steve Henry, Mike Grazier, Nate Dolentz, Nick Morton, Kellyann Mascarenas, (mgr.) Row 4: Coach Mike Sweeney, Coach Dale Mundle, Jon Holets, Marty Paavola, Erik Walburg, Dan Knapp, Chris Brown, Jared Stepp, Chad Blomquist, Kevin Sundquist, Dustin Byrnes, Matt Paavola, Alex Koivisto, Dane Johnson, Coach Daryl Illikainen.
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